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About Us

Welcome to Travel Roots, where we believe in transforming lives through volunteering, adventures and meaningful journeys. Our mission is to create a positive impact on the environment and communities by offering unique eco-friendly experiences that combine travel, learning, and giving back.

Our Story

Travel Roots was born out of a desire to change the world through immersive travel and volunteering experiences. The founder, a passionate and well experienced traveller, as well as master’s degree conservationists, recognized the need for an organization that not only promotes responsible tourism but also actively contributes to global conservation efforts and local community development. (Check Out More In Our Travel Roots Blog)

What Makes Us Different

At Travel Roots, we set ourselves apart from other organizations in the market by fostering authentic relationships with our partners and prioritizing collaboration to bring you the most extraordinary adventures possible. We genuinely appreciate the remarkable contributions our partners make to the planet, and we believe in learning and growing together.

Our approach is to celebrate and promote organizations of all sizes – from the big and small to the independent and larger entities – rather than overshadowing the true heroes and claiming their accomplishments as our own. By working closely with our partners, we ensure that our travel experiences are not only unforgettable but also have a meaningful and lasting impact on the environment and local communities.

Choose Travel Roots for a unique and genuine adventure that supports and uplifts the incredible efforts of our partners around the world. Together, we can create a brighter future for our planet and its inhabitants.


What We Offer

At Travel Roots, we provide a wide range of exceptional experiences, including:

  • Volunteering opportunities: Engage in hands-on projects that support local communities, wildlife conservation, and environmental preservation.

  • Conservation holidays: Participate in meaningful trips focused on protecting natural habitats, promoting sustainable practice, while supporting local eco-friendly accommodation providers.

  • Courses and educational programs: Learn valuable skills and knowledge in fields such as conservation, wildlife management, and community development.

  • Customized journeys: Craft your own unique adventure while contributing to a better world.


Our Commitment

For every sale made through Travel Roots, we plant a tree to offset our carbon footprint and leave a lasting, positive impact on the environment and communities we serve. We collaborate closely with local partners ‘Just One Tree’ to ensure that our projects are sustainable and beneficial to the areas we visit. (Check Out More In Our Impact Page)

Join Us

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with Travel Roots and become part of a community committed to making a difference. Sign up today to volunteer and experience the life-changing power of exploring, learning, and giving back. Together, let's create a brighter future for our planet and its inhabitants.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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