Fuze Ecoteer Outdoor Adventures is an accredited social enterprise that focuses on conservation projects. FE is also a Malaysian registered tour operator with conservation and research experience. Consequently making us one of a kind in Malaysia.
We believe that people play the most important role in conservation. Hence why we believe in educating people of all ages about conservation by experiencing nature. In this digitalized age, more and more people forget what it’s like to play in the rain. To feel the wind on their cheek and to see stars in the sky. Due to that, we aim to correct this and connect people with nature.
Volunteer in on one of Malaysias most beautful islands, the Perhentian Island.
Work and help protect the the iconic species the sea turtle.
Participate in the vital scientific research conducted.
Help with education & public awareness projects.
You will develop new transferable skills and gain industry experience that match your passion and interests.
Become a welcomed part of the Perhentian Island Fuze Ecoteer family
Experience day off adventures such as fun scuba dives and learn the lifestyle of island living.
Fuze Ecoteers mission is to connect people with nature. They deeply believe that everyone is connected to nature. Hence one person’s act, impacts the whole circle of life. Whatever we do as humans come back to us, so, why not make a positive act? For the ones who want to make an impact, to reconnect with nature. To learn and to understand the relationships that we have with our planet. We ask you to listen to your calling and we provide you with an outlet to do so.
Connect with nature, with us today!
3 projects to get involved with Fuze Ecoteer
(1) Perhentian Marine Research Conservation
Our Marine Conservation Volunteer Project is the newest of all the FE established projects with an aim to preserve and restore coral reefs and seagrass beds around the islands. This project is perfect for you if you want to improve your diving skills or interested in coral reef restoration and conservation. You will also be able to learn valuable conservation and stakeholder engagement skills which are a must for any future conservationists.
The Perhentian Marine Research Station is a small scale research station which focuses on the practical aspects of marine research and conservation. This means that PMRS can accommodate a wide range of volunteers who undergo training in marine life identification and underwater survey techniques, before the acquisition of survey data.
What kind of research, is always based on what’s needed at that moment. However, our primary aim is to collect vital marine data through the mapping and health assessments of seagrass beds and coral reefs. Our team also works closely with the Marine Parks Department and Reef Check Malaysia.
If you haven’t taken your PADI Open Water certification, you soon will have! We utilize local dive schools to train our divers. Join us and you can be a certified diver in no time! Furthermore, for expert divers, we know you are constantly looking for ways to perfect your buoyancy. Hence, conducting research dives is a great way to raise your buoyancy game!Find out more about PADI and scuba diving here.Seagrass Monitoring
Joining us in April or September means that you will get to be involved in the seagrass research and conservation project. We use the Seagrass Watch method for surveying seagrass. The survey is done to collect vital data. As a result, the data will then be analysed and compared with other seagrass beds around the world.Are there any other methods that will be used?
In addition, you will also use quadrants to assess seagrass or will map the boundaries of the beds. This programme will also teach you vital research skills.Reef Diversity Monitoring
The Reef Check surveying methodology will be used to help us with our ongoing monitoring of the coral reef health. The data we collect will build upon our previous years of research. Consequently, this will help us to understand species richness and abundance on our reefs. In addition, it also helps us to introduce, implement or influence effective conservation strategies.Waste Management & Beach Cleanup
The next part of the programme is that you will also get to help out the team with their waste management efforts. We have an educational booth at Long Beach to educate tourists and locals alike on eco-snorkeling.Moreover, the team are also in constant contact with stakeholders around the island. As a result, this collaboration helps to ensure that the waste management system on the island can be sustainable.We have all seen the photos and videos and heard the story; a plastic straw stuck in the nose of a poor sea turtle. At our project, we commit to weekly beach clean-ups. This is done to ensure that the beach and ocean is clean and safe for marine life.How can I help?
Volunteers will help us during our beach clean-up and collect data on the clean up. Not only that, the trash will then be sorted according to recyclable or non recyclable items.Awareness Campaigns
We visit the local bays and brief tourists going on snorkel tours about how they can be more eco conscious while snorkelling. This is done weekly and is important to reduce harm to corals and marine lives.Precious Plastic Machine
As part of education on plastic wastes, our team also work the Precious Plastic Machine. Through this initiative, plastic wastes of Type 2 and Type 5 are collected and made into something new. During this programme, you will get to learn and go through the whole process yourself. What better way to reduce wastes! See our products made from recycled plastic – Precious plastic products.(2) Turtle Conservation Project
What sets us apart from other sea turtle conservation projects is that we get the best of both the social and environmental aspects in conservation – living among and working with the local community as we carry out our daytime and nocturnal activities. You will snorkel in the sea by day observing and taking photo IDs of foraging sea turtles. At night, you will patrol the nesting beach under a blanket of stars to protect the beach and collect nesting data on sea turtles.
Kayak And Turtle Photo ID Surveys
We kayak to the main seagrass beds in the marine park which is situated near to Perhentian Island Resort. Once we arrive we search for grazing turtles. The scutes (scales) on the flippers and the side of a green turtle’s face are unique to each individual. Once a turtle is spotted, the snorkeler free-dives down to photograph the sea turtle.On the other hand, the person on the kayak records the number of people present around the turtle. They also help to ensure the safety of the snorkeler from passing boats. If new turtles are discovered, it is yours to name!
Why do this?
The information gathered is vital for conservation measures. It enables us to determine population numbers, identify hotspots where conservation efforts need to be focused and also movement patterns of the turtles. This data would also be useful for decision makers to design the Marine Park Management Plan.Journal from Kayak Surveys
These surveys have produced this peered reviewed research article – Using photo identification to monitor the sea turtle population in the Perhentian islands.Turtle Beach Patrol
Volunteers will help the team to collect non-flash photos of nesting sea turtles at beaches around the Perhentian Islands. The photos that you collect will help our researchers to study the sea turtle population in the Perhentian islands.Moreover, volunteers and the team will be patrolling the nesting beach at night to prevent poachers from collecting sea turtles eggs. The patrols done are in addition to the patrols done by the Terengganu State Department of Fisheries staff to strengthen security of the nesting beaches against poachers.What happens to the eggs?
The eggs are then collected and transferred to the project’s hatchery on the island. Better beach management such as the on-going turtle patrol has proven to reduce the natural and human threats on nesting beach.Awareness Talk
Our team also goes around dive shops and resorts to conduct awareness talks to the public especially to tourists. Volunteers will get to learn about sea turtles conservation and will also be educating the public during one of these talks.Talk about doing work that makes an impact! Awareness talks are one of the ways to get information out to the public. An eco-educated tourist would do so much in conserving these magnificent creatures.
Beach Clean Up
At our projects, we commit to weekly beach clean-ups to ensure that the beach and consequently the ocean is clean and safe for marine life. Volunteers will help us during our beach clean-up. The trash will then be sorted according to recyclable and non recyclable items. Furthermore, data on the clean up will also be collected for further studies and given to Ocean Conservancy to create annual reports.(3) Eco Education Project
Our Eco education volunteer project is perfect for people looking to get involved in teaching and eco-education. Moreover, this is a perfect volunteering project for families looking for a cultural experience where both adults and children can learn from each other. You and your children can get involved as much as you want or sit back and relax a bit. We can also provide private accommodation at an extra cost if required.
The Perhentian Eco Education Volunteer Project focuses to teach and support the islanders to care for their splendid environment whilst also offering volunteers a first-hand experience of community life in a traditional Malaysian village surrounded by turquoise seas, white sands and vibrant marine life.
Eco Club Classes
Get involved in planning activities for lessons during the Eco Club classes held by the projects for both Senior and Junior members. Then, execute your activities as part of the lesson during the class! The village kids are always keen to learn something new!Perhentian Islands Ladies Association (PILA)
In 2012, we initiated PILA to help increase the income and environmental awareness of the village ladies. Each week, the ladies host traditional ‘kuih’ (Malay traditional dessert) making sessions for visitor and tourists. Consequently, you will get to learn something new from the ladies. Look forward to eating something new too! There is always room for dessert!Coral Watch
Join the Eco club members as they assess the health of the corals in which they protect. Snorkel and free dive to witness the beautiful underwater world at Perhentian. Other than that, learn more about the health of the corals. Done twice weekly, help the kids to collect data and learn how to differentiate corals and assess its health.Kayak Patrol
Join Perhentian’s own village rangers kayak around the village to make sure the waters are free of trash. This activity help to reduce the probability of marine lives from ingesting plastics and other unnatural products. Subsequently, it also creates awareness to other locals and tourists alike to not litter into the ocean.Awareness Campaigns
Every week, we visit the local bays and brief tourists going on snorkel tours about how they can be more eco conscious while snorkelling. This is important because it allows the reduction of harm done to corals and marine lives.Precious Plastic Machine
As part of education on plastic wastes, our team also work the Precious Plastic Machine. Through this initiative, plastic wastes of Type 2 and Type 5 are collected and made into something new. You will get to learn and go through the whole process yourself. What better way to reduce wastes!Beach Clean Up
We have all seen the photos and videos and heard the story; a plastic straw stuck in the nose of a poor sea turtle. At our projects, we commit to weekly beach clean-ups to ensure that the beach and consequently the ocean is clean and safe for marine life.Volunteers will help us during our beach clean-up and will then sort the trash according to recyclable categories or non recyclable items and collect data on the clean up.Accommodation
Volunteers will stay at the Fuze Ecoteer Volunteer House, which has 3 sections/rooms with a communal toilet/ bathroom. Bedding and mosquito nets are provided. Safe drinking water and fans also provided.
Food in Perhentian is simple Malaysian dishes mixed with some Malaysian styled western foods like Burger Ramli, which are a must!
The volunteer programme package includes all daily meals:
Breakfast – Generally, for breakfast it’s simple toast, fruits or roti canai. (The Malaysian pancake a.k.a the Malaysian Flattened Croissant).
Lunch – Lunch is normally eaten out at local restaurants.
Dinner – Volunteers normally help to cook dinner with our project team and we eat together. Once a week, you will eat a delicious dinner when you go to the home of one of the villagers. This is the time for you to experience authentic Malay cooking and ask as many questions as you’d like.
Any Monday from 15th April 2024 until end of September in 2024.
Please Note: Non-qualified divers would have to volunteer for a minimum of 2 weeks. Qualified divers, on the other hand, may volunteer for a minimum of 1 week.
Project Starting dates - Due to island monsoon seasons projects commence from
Marine Conservation Project
With Dive Course Without Dive Course
2 weeks = €1048 1 week = €594
3 weeks = €1325 2 weeks = €890
4 weeks = €1622 3 weeks = €1187
4 weeks = €1454
All fees include return boat transfer, three meals per day, basic fan dormitory with shared bathroom, 7 dives + 1 snorkel per week and all activities. No marine park fee.
Turtle Conservation Project
Minimum of 2 weeks required
2 weeks = €692
3 weeks = €850
4 weeks = €1010
All fees include return boat transfer, three meals per day, basic fan dormitory with shared bathroom, all activities. No marine park fees.
Eco Education Project
1 week = €298
2 weeks = €495
3 weeks = €673
4 weeks = €831
All fees include return boat transfer, three meals per day, basic fan dormitory with shared bathroom, all activities included. No marine park fees.
For prices over 4 weeks, please contact us.